guaraldi editore

Laboratory for a new book economy

Genere:Arte musica spettacolo  anteprimaAnteprima
Autore:Federico Fellini
Curatore:Paolo Fabbri, Mario Guaraldi

Federico Fellini The Book of My Dreams | Third Volume 1973-1990


Digital version


The digital version of this colossal source of oniric content akin to the incandescent matter we call creativity is based on the big Book of Dreams published by Rizzoli RCS in 2007. It could not have been otherwise, since in analog times Fellini annotated and illustrated his dreams on paper.

Three decades of dreaming reorganized in three creative periods (1960/1964, 1965/1970 and 1973/1990) are now open to exploration and mining with digital tools on computers or ebook readers. For the benefit (and the joy) of professionals and amateurs of depth psychology, but also for anybody interested in visual arts. Because the dreamer who opens up the narrative of his unconscious is above all one of the great names in film history.

Data di pubblicazione:

October 2012





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